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2024 Newsletter Term 1 - Week 4

SMMC Admin

Updated: Jun 5, 2024

Dear parents,

In Volume 2 of his Prison Journal, Cardinal Pell pauses over what he describes as "one of the most disconcerting" passages of the New Testament, "when Jesus asks himself, 'However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?' (Lk 18:8)."

All of the cardinal's efforts, he sums up, have been "designed to help us today to plead not guilty to that implied charge." Not a few parents and grandparents are asking the same question of their own families, as the secular tide washes souls far from the narthex, let alone the communion rail. And yet pockets of resistance are gathering strength, determined to merit a not guilty verdict for themselves and their children.

Recently, members of my own family unexpectedly happened upon a Sunday Mass in a Melbourne parish displaying attributes not unlike those that are commonly found in Albury, where the narthex was the only space available for latecomers.

I am convinced that such centres of faith will proliferate through the grace, and that these consolidations of family, community and evangelisation will lead to a turning of the tide. While it is a way off, may I ask you to etch into your calendar the date of this term's Parent Night, Thursday 11th April. We have a cracker of a guest speaker in Andy Mullins, and, as it will be Eastertide, we will also have the opportunity to enjoy the convivial atmosphere. Thank you for your support.

Warm regards, Ian Smith Principal

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