Saint Mary MacKillop College Albury is an independent school with a truly Catholic ethos. The School motto is Verum, Pulchrum et Bonum (Truth, Beauty and Goodness).
Catholics believe that we live in a universe created by a loving God. Everything in the cosmos bears the stamp of the Creator – it is true, beautiful and good. Education is about encouraging our students to develop by seeking out truth, beauty and goodness. This will point them, ultimately, towards the God who created them.
The School was founded in 2009 and caters for years Kinder to Year 12.
While the school is independent from the Catholic Diocese of Wagga Wagga, it has a strong Catholic ethos with a religious education based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and an emphasis on the lives of the saints as role models.

Our facilities cater for a wide range of elective subjects for High School Students and our comprehensive primary school curriculum is enriched with a range of activities designed to engage young Catholic minds with sensory play an immersion in the Catholic liturgy.
With the added advantage of smaller classroom sizes and a school community that reflects the values of the school in the sense of support, faith and friendship, students are nurtured and supported throughout their schooling journey at SMMC.
A sense of community and fraternity is nurtured by frequent gatherings, including our welcome barbeque for all families at the commencement of the school year.
Life and learning at the College is enriched by a range of extracurricular, social and community priorities.
These include frequent assemblies, which foster and celebrate student achievement, college milestones and a culture of piety and academic excellence.
Artistic and musical accomplishments are enjoyed at a range of events, such as concerts, performances and college productions.
A sense of community and fraternity is nurtured by frequent gatherings, including our welcome barbeque for all families at the commencement of the school year, and our annual Gala Dinner. The school fete is keenly anticipated each year, as is the Ski Trip for secondary students and the beloved Father & Son and Mother & Daughter camps.